Media shipping & scanning Requirements

  • Remove Photos From Albums

    We do not want to be responsible for possibly damaging images by removing them from old albums. We will not do this for you.

    Unfortunately nearly all of the albums from the 1960's-today still contain polyvinyl chloride (PVC).

    That’s why many photographs from the your old albums have a color shift along the edges especially that makes them look like an image filter has been applied to them. Need help removing old your photos? Visit --> Tips and Tricks for Removing Difficult Photos

  • To sort or not to sort, that is the question

    Group images by size! They generally come out of albums as one size, but for those of you who have loose images in shoeboxes etc, group them by size. Use the provided rubber bands, bags and postcards for additional group information.

    For example, if you write “Mom’s Family Album, 1975” on the postcard and place it on the top of a group/batch of photos, when we scan this batch, we'll place all those images in a digital folder and label it “Mom’s Family Album 1975”

  • Slides & Photo Negatives

    We accept all slide types as they are all a 2"x"2 inch square except for one version of the 110 slide. The box we send you for the slides is small, and will not hold a carousel, sleeves from a 3 ring binder or slide boxes. Ensure you remove the slides and follow the packing instructions provided. We do not accept shipments we have not initiated and we do not remove slides from carousels etc.

    Photo negatives however can still remain in their protective sleeves if they are still in them. No need to remove them other that to verify there are images on the negative.

  • VHS and Film

    VHS tape is magnetic media. This means you can't visually see if the images are there or not compared to film. Best practice before shipping us your VHS or VHS-C tapes is to play them in a VHS player to ensure they have video to be digitized. If they don't, you will still be charged as if they did. If you send multiple VHS tapes and some of them are damaged or will not play, they will simply be returned back to you without being scanned and you will not get any credit back for them.

    VHS tapes can be sent in their protective cardboard sleeves or hard plastic cases. Note that this might limit the quantity of VHS tape that can fit in the box sent to you. To maximize the quantity, remove the sleeves and hard plastic cases.

    Film should remain in the film canister during shipping.

  • Pretty Please No Sticky Notes or Tape

    Do not put sticky notes on your photos, we will not scan them or remove the note to prevent damage to the photo. Do not tape notes on images, as we will not scan them or remove the tape as this might damage the photo. The residue from the sticky notes or tape can cause our equipment to jam or scan improperly. We will not scan these images...period. We will send them back to you as is. Please use the postcards, rubber bands and bags to indicate grouping needs.

  • No Copyrighted © MEDIA without signed release from Photographer

    We will not knowingly scan Copyrighted© media unless you have a copyright license from the Copyright Owner. If any media indicates it is copyrighted and we do not have a copyright license, we will not scan the media and will follow all applicable federal copyright laws and reporting policies. For more information visit our Terms of Service Page

  • No damaged, Torn or Stuck together Images

    We will not scan damaged, torn or images stuck together through the equipment as it could cause damage to the photo, or the scanning equipment. If you have slightly damaged or ripped photos but still want them scanned, please purchase the Damaged Photos package so we can hand scan them one at a time.

  • Don't over stuff the box!

    We strongly recommend you tape the box shut using the precut packing tape provided. This is to help ensure the contents don’t accidentally become lost in transit. However, the United States Postal Service will not accept Flat Rate Priority Boxes that are overstuffed and appear distorted. They will return them to you if they are! Please ensure the pre-paid box we ship to you closes properly, is taped securely closed and does not bulge or appear modified in any way to make it larger.

  • No Packing Peanuts

    As you prepare to send us your memories, please do not fill voids in the box with packing peanuts! The tiny particles will statically cling to your photos and then get into our scanners, causing poor scans and equipment jams. Use crumpled up newspaper or bubble wrap instead to fill voids in the box if needed.

  • Photo Return

    Your photos will be returned to you as they came to us. We will return your images in a USPS priority flat rate box or envelope 1-2 weeks after scanning is completed.